
Do that then get married

That only care to have, does not last forever "love does not exist for two unmarried men and women, the power of love, the selfishness of human nature, the feelings of exclusion, require long love of men and women from the physical to the mental have, they are more eager forever, this time, marriage has become the best way to achieve has a favorite person. So, when to get married? Take a look at these ten!

First, you each are each other's best friend, without any conditions, in love with each other together.
Second, each other is very easy to talk to each other can be very open to confess anything, without having to worry about each other suspected or contempt.
Third, the two people in the spiritual common values ​​and ideas, and only with the pursuit of a clear recognition of these concepts.


Fourth, you all believe that marriage is a lifetime thing, and the two (with particular emphasis on the "Parties") are firmly willing to commit themselves in the long-term marriage.
Fifth, when a conflict or dispute can be resolved together rather than waiting to attack.


Sixth, we can get along with each other funny, laugh often, in many aspects of life will be a humorous treatment.
Seventh each other very understand and accept each other, you know the other side understand your strengths and weaknesses, and remains convinced that you are



Eighth, to know you, the people you most trust, support and recognition.
Ninth, sometimes you have romantic feelings, but most of the time you get along very satisfied and comfortable.
Tenth, you have a very rational, mature exchanges. You both feel that, on many different levels, you are well matched.


Married life is a necessary stage, fortunately not happy to see themselves how to run a marriage. Well run, will be happy. Do not have the heart to operate, will naturally have a lot of trouble. Life is in his state of mind, their own behavior. So, happy in their own hands. Therefore, marriage is neither paradise nor hell. Marriage just start a new life full of hope, to shoulder the responsibility in the marriage, we are successful, we are happy.

