
Bouquet how to match the wedding

Small round bouquets
Small round bouquets to give people a sense of sweet, lovely half-round shape, bring out the bride's shy and sweet, on the mix of flowers, you can choose different color flowers create a visual effect. Small round bouquets apart from lovely flattering appearance, in a wedding gown match is also very strong, design wedding dresses are very suitable for any style!
Crescent Moon-shaped bouquets

Imagine the moon high in the sky, transformed into crescent moon shaped bouquets in the hands of the bride, isn't it romantic? Because the crescent moon-shaped arc shape of bouquets, orchids, roses, lilies and other flowers above, its bouquet elegant, so is ideal for the traditional wedding, when A BRIDE holding the crescent moon-shaped bouquets, feelings of happiness was palpable!
Fall bouquets
Waterfalls-bouquets, as its name suggests bouquet style is like a waterfall, from the top down is a natural vertical effects. Waterfalls-bouquets feel more elegant, so the flowers will usually select the texture better. Bridal falls-bouquets will be placed between the waist and abdomen, it is recommended that brides might as well match in length swing wedding dress, you will be the most beautiful bride in the wedding Oh!
Spherical bouquets
It was a part of your wedding and, of course, to match the bouquet of a bunch of you Oh! If you're a sweet little bride, the model of spherical bouquets with your very cute supei! Spherical bouquets are usually flat flowers such as tulips, Gerbera, rose wood, on the color more vivid, especially small bride with it present at the wedding party of tea in the afternoon, was more suitable than the!

